Saturday, July 09, 2005

Riwayat s.bukhari

Dari Aisyah ra, katanya sebahagian isteri Nabi saw bertanya kepada
baginda "Siapakah di antara kami yang lebih dahulu bertemu dengan
tuan?" Jawab nabi, "Siapa yang lebih panjang tangan." Lantas mereka
ambil sepotong ranting lalu mereka ukur tangan mereka. Ternyata Saodah
lebih panjang. Barulah kemudian mereka ketahui, bahawa yang
dimaksudkan Nabi tangan panjang, ialah tangan yang banyak bersedekah.
Itulah isteri baginda yang paling dahulu bertemu baginda di akhirat
nanti. Saodah sangat suka bersedekah.

s.bukhari II::Zakat.


Narrated 'Aisha:

Some of the wives of the Prophet asked him, "Who amongst us will be
the first to follow you (i.e. die after you)?" He said, "Whoever has
the longest hand." So they started measuring their hands with a stick
and Sauda's hand turned out to be the longest. (When Zainab bint Jahsh
died first of all in the caliphate of 'Umar), we came to know that the
long hand was a symbol of practicing charity, so she was the first to
follow the Prophet and she used to love to practice charity. (Sauda
died later in the caliphate of Muawiya).

Dari Abu Musa ra dia berkata, Ya Rasulullah saya tinggal di suatu
daerah di mana orang membuat sejenis minuman keras dari madu dan
dinamakan al-bit'u, dan sejenis minuman keras lagi dari gandum dan
mereka namakan al-mirzu. Rasulullah saw bersabda, "Setiap minuman yang
memabukkan adalah haram (terlarang)"

s.bukhari IV::kasih sayang.


Narrated by Abi Burda, Abu Musa said, "O Allah's Prophet! In our land
there is an alcoholic drink (prepared) from barley called Al-Mizr, and
another (prepared) from honey, called Al-Bit"' The Prophet said, "All
intoxicants are prohibited."

Dari Anas ra, katanya Rasulullah saw bersabda, "Seorang muslim menanam
pohon atau tanam-tanaman, lalu sebahagian hasilnya dimakan burung,
manusia atau binatang, maka orang yang menanam itu mendapat pahala."

s.bukhari III::pertanian.

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

Allah's Apostle said, "There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a
tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats
from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him."


Dari Ibnu Abbas ra, katanya Rasulullah saw mengutuk lelaki yang
berpakaian seperti wanita dan wanita yang berpakaian seperti lelaki.

s.bukhari IV::pakaian.


Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

Allah's Apostle cursed those men who are in the similitude (assume the
manners) of women and those women who are in the similitude (assume
the manners) of men.


Dari Sahal Bin Sa'ad ra, bahwa ada seorang lelaki mengintai ke dalam
bilik Rasulullah saw ketika Rasulullah memegang sebuah Midrai (sikat)
yang digunakan oleh baginda untuk menyisir rambutnya. Setelah
Rasulullah saw ternampak orang itu baginda bersabda, "Kalau aku tahu
engkau mengintip, nescaya aku tusuk matamu dengan ini." Selanjutnya
Rasulullah saw bersabda, "Izin itu diperlukan sebelum melihat."

S.bukhari iv::KISAS.

Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd:

A man peeped through a round hole into the dwelling place of the
Prophet, while the Prophet had a Midray (an iron comb) with which he
was scratching his head. the Prophet said, " Had known you were
looking (through the hole), I would have pierced your eye with it
(i.e., the comb)." Verily! The order of taking permission to enter has
been enjoined because of that sight, (that one should not look
unlawfully at the state of others).


Aswad ra berkata bahawa ia bertanya kepada Aisyah, katanya, "Apakah
yang diperbuat Nabi dalam rumah?" Jawab Aisyah, "Baginda juga
melakukan kerja rumah, menolong isteri baginda. Dan apabila waktu
solat tiba, baginda pergi solat."

s.bukhari I::adzan.


Narrated Al-Aswad bin Yazid:

I asked 'Aisha "What did the Prophet use to do at home?" She said, "He
used to work for his family, and when he heard the Adhan (call for the
prayer), he would go out."

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